Hey There,
If you need to get your Low-quality Image or Logo to High-Quality Vector formats, You've come to the right gig.
➤ Different images have different details & complexity, prices can vary depending on the image. So If you place an order for a complex image on the basic price, Then later I will ask for an extra charge depending on your image or Logo.
➤ If you need to choose 2/1hrs fast delivery(gig extra), make sure to knock me first and confirm I'm online.
➤What can I do for you?
- Convert Low-Quality Image or Logo to High-Quality
- Create a Vector source file for your Logo, Sketch, Illustration, or any kind of graphic.
- Create Text Editable vector file
- Customize existing design
- Convert to different formats.
➤What you can provide?
Blurred & pixelated images, Sketch of your design, Link for the image, Psd, jpg, png, gif, pdf or any format
➤Why you Choose me for this?
- Quality Work
- 100% Manual Tracing
- Friendly communications
- Quick Response
- Fast Delivery in 2Hrs/1Hr Available(Gig Extra)
I assure you that you will be very satisfied after working with me...
If you have any questions,
Please knock me
Seller's Response:
Order was delivered in just one hour. Amazing and very cooperative guy. Keep it up! I would recommend him to all.
:Thanks, I would love to work with you again!
: : :
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